Getting Started With Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Explore the core elements of NGSS and learn about the essential big changes at this NGSS overview event. This training will identify the immediate things you can do to begin implementing NGSS. 

The Engaged Learner In Science- Ngss In Action (Best Practices)

Explore research-proven pedagogical models that best support NGSS, including Project Based Learning (PBL), Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as well as the Flipped Classroom. Taking the essential elements of all of them to create your own personal blended model is the art of Implementing NGSS. Develop your own pedagogical model that can effectively implement NGSS.

Technology Integration & NGSS

Infusing quality STEM multimedia resources (simulations, interactives, video games, etc.) into your classroom is one easy way to further engage your students, increase their depth of understanding, and address the NGSS.  Explore exemplary STEM multimedia resources; and learn where to find them, how to evaluate them, and how to apply them to meet NGSS.

Cross-Cutting Concepts & Stem Connections

The NGSS include 7 Cross-cutting Concepts, the big ideas that have applications across all the sciences and can link different domains.  NGSS states, “these concepts need to be made explicit for students because they provide an organizational schema for interrelating knowledge from various science fields into a coherent and scientifically-based view of the world.” We provide training on how these critical concepts can best be infused and how to address them with students.

The Most Critical Science & Engineering Practices

Some S&E practices are critical to the NGSS. We provide training on those most critical or challenging to your district. Examples include modeling, argument supported by evidence, or designing investigations.

NGSS Implementation Models

We support districts in identifying the best implementation model(s) for your district, and then supporting you in all aspect of implementation, including curriculum development, mentoring/coaching and training.

Climate Change For All

Prepare Teachers of All Subject Areas to teach Climate Change Standards that are required in NJ!

Sample Agenda

Math Integration And NGSS - Making The Connections

As the NGSS states, “In both science and engineering, mathematics and computation are fundamental tools for representing physical variables and their relationships. “ NGSS is calling us to further explore new strategies for how to better integrate math and make more meaningful connection.  We provide training on how to integrate math in meaningful ways.

Phenomenon In The NGSS Class

What are phenomena? Why are they important for implementing NGSS? Workshop explores explore how you can use phenomena to motivate students to engage in science and engineering practices and develop deeper understanding of disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts. Understand the criteria for identifying good phenomena that’s relevant for your classroom. Review exemplar phenomena. Engage in a step-by-step process to develop high quality phenomena to serve your NGSS curriculum.

Analyzing And Developing 3 Dimensional Assessment In The NGSS Classroom

Unpack the anatomy of NGSS assessments. Understand the critical elements that need to be integrated and addressed in assessment design. Explore variations in assessment design across multiple testing platforms. Review exemplary assessments. Understand state requirements for assessment design. Develop, share, critique and get feedback on assessments designed during the workshop.

Claims, Evidence & Reasoning (CER) Strategies To Improve Student Learning In NGSS Classrooms

Help students practice CER to enrich their science learning experience. The strategy prepares students to identify legitimate sources of evidence to support their claims and positions them to reason scientifically. Develop CER strategies that are relevant to your NGSS classrooms.